
After school club mobiles

At art club (kids aged 4-8) we made mobiles. First we looked at a beautiful one by Pae White and talked about what might make it difficult to make.

Then using all kinds of tricky skills like cutting awkward shapes, tying knots and balanceing, we made our own.

paper mobile colourful paper mobile

Youth Club Pom Pom and Finger Knitting party

The youth at Spotlight (the youth centre) had a great time making pom poms this week.

we used the method where you wrap the yarn around your hand instead of those awkward cardboard circles. It worked a treat!

The other technique we tried was finger knitting, which has some similarities to the very popular loom band trend. We couldn’t really get it off the ground at this session unfortunately. At least 4 people went home with a finished piece of finger knitting but it didnt take off. It just would have required focus and concentration for about 30 seconds more than was given. At least 4 more kids started and gave up just before they got the hang of it. It also could have worked if one of the louder kids had grasped it early on, but you know how it is with social dynamics, especially after a long hard day at school. Anyway the POMPOMs caught on and they were all addicted to that instead.

also didnt get any good pics of finger knitting becuase my fingers were full of yarn during those times!

scraggly pompoms

I did show them how to trim them ‘give them a haircut’ but the scraggly pompom look was more fashionable.


One teenage boy made all these pompoms! 8?! he’s going to make a scarf.simple way to make pom poms

This is the easier way to make a pom pom. It does help to have your friend’s finger on hand to tie a tight knot.

Painting silhouettes on marbled paper like Jan Pienowski

I always loved the illustrator Jan Pienowski’s work with marbling and silhouettes. This summer at art camp we made some illustrations in his style. jan pienowski jan pienowski jan pienowski castleJan pienowski

Bookshelf Mural with Pot Plants

I recently finished a lovely commission which was to paint a bookshelf with dangly plants onto a kitchen wall. The clients chose some book titles and let their friends make suggestions too. As they have kindles/e-readers they don’t have a need for many books in their house anymore.

whole bookshelf mural shelfie dangly plants

sketching in masking tape

Using coloured masking tape to mark out where the plants and books would be. whole bookshelf mural shelfie dangly plants

Weaving at Spotlight Youth Club age9+ Backstrap/paper plate

I am running a series of weaving sessions at SPOTLIGHT youth club in Langdon Park, London, UK.

Week one was very successful. It is a drop in ‘cafe’ style event so has no clear beginning but the young people can do as much or as little as they feel like, which I quite like, because it’s after school. I dont want to make anyone do anything. Thankfully, they were very into it (because its weaving!) I am always amazed how some people just get it straight away, and the kind of focus that it can inspire.

I had one exchange with an adult there that I didn’t have enough time to talk to properly, it went like this

him: so what will it be?

me: with this, it could just be decorative, or you could make a belt, a guitar strap, a headband, trim.

him: so in about a year you could make a bed sheet?

[aRGH! thats not the point!!!] If I’d had time I’d like to explain that it is about construction, understanding how things are made, how the qualities of weaving (strong, not stretchy) can be used for different purposes. About working together, showing and explaining to each other what can seem a complicated process at the outset. How you can create patterns, how colours can be created by combining yarn. How you can alter the style, thickness, texture by combining different thicknesses of thread or tension as you pull or slacken. Understanding how the clothes, carpet, seat covers, hat, basket, shoes, sails, flags, wallet, tent around you are made. Not by going to a factory and seeing an incomprehensible machine but  by understanding the fundamental concept that people have been doing for thousands of years by DOING it for yourself!

anyway, I think the kids got it!

backstrap weaving paper plate spiral weave helping each other weave paper plate stripe weave OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


sally hancox

I am an artist, illustrator, weaver and workshop facilitator currently living and working in London, UK.

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June Calender 2015