
There are more recent updates of some dyeing and other activities I’ve been doing over on available in English and Japanese!

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After School Club Masks

Drawing masks

We looked at some black and white images of masks from all over Africa. This student is really getting to grips with using charcoal.

double mask

Then we made masks with paper and paint and some other bits and bobs. Which was fun.

triangle mask

small face mask

After school club mobiles

At art club (kids aged 4-8) we made mobiles. First we looked at a beautiful one by Pae White and talked about what might make it difficult to make.

Then using all kinds of tricky skills like cutting awkward shapes, tying knots and balanceing, we made our own.

paper mobile colourful paper mobile

happy new ear

i have access to a scanner.    🙂


finished! by sillyhancox
finished!, a photo by sillyhancox on Flickr.

This was a very fun (and a bit surreal) project. I love painting big things.

I’m still not sure about the details of the wrapping paper of this, but it will be available soon in HEP FIVE.
I’ll let you know here as soon as I find out.

So many people came, my friends, co-workers, students and my weaving teacher.  I’m glad you came even if I didn’t have a chance to speak to you properly.  THANKS!

i’m official

i'm official by sillyhancox
i’m official, a photo by sillyhancox on Flickr.

I wove this too

(I didn’t make the warp, that was already set up, I just did the weft, the bit that goes left to right.)


sally hancox

I am an artist, illustrator, weaver and workshop facilitator currently living and working in London, UK.

View my complete profile


Hello world!
Retro Komichi Market in Sumoto, Awaji Island
July Calender
July Calender – Junichi’s Neon Horses
June Calender 2015